
February 28, 2013

Moms Know Best: Home Safety First

Home is the first place where a child needs to feel safest. That is why parents have the responsibility of ensuring a safe home environment for their children. Making your home become safe as possible allows better opportunities for them to learn and grow, and find comfort and love.  

When I became a first-time mom, little did I know that our home can be the number one source of many potential hazards. I was more worried about the outside environment like harmful pollutants or getting sickness from others, when, in fact, kids spend most of their time at home. I was unaware and unprepared that pieces of furniture, toys they play with, and just about everything that they can get their hands to can be a threat to their safety already. So before Joaquin, our second child, even started crawling, I started already childproofing areas of the house, since based on learning and experiences with Celine, many accidents at home can be prevented.

I started placing plastic coverings on power sockets that can cause electric shocks, tied all electrical cords to prevent him from tripping over and playing with it, bought rubber covers for sharp corner ends of tables to avoid bumps and bruises, attached latches on cabinets with cooking pans, cleaning tools and products, got an electric fan cover (Celine’s finger accidentally got caught in our fan), kept and organized small items, sharp objects and food inside containers, and literally placed our bed mattress on the floor where all four of us sleep until now (Because Celine fell from our bed when she was eight months).

As you can see, I am now stricter about home safety. I also never fail to remind our helpers to always close all bathroom doors and sweep the floor every day since you never know what they will just pick-up and put inside their mouth.

Ensuring your kids’ safety requires extra effort and may cost extra as well, but it’s better to be always sure and prepared than comprise on our kids’ safety, right? Besides, it’s also for our own peace of mind.

Remember also that adult presence and supervision is still the key. No matter how safe my home appears to be, I still never leave the kids on their own or unattended. Kids grow up very fast and you never know what they are capable of doing next. So, I always make a point to know where they are and what they are doing.

Home safety also means living well. All moms should be very particular with our kids’ daily activities and our choices of what they intake, since health is also an utmost priority. The choice of food and drink that I give to my kids really matters to me. I go mainly for home cooked dishes and homemade snacks, where I am assured of the quality of food and ingredients. When it comes to drinking water, I trust only Wilkins Distilled Water, which is the safest choice that I can guarantee. 

I keep plenty of these big gallons at home :)

My kids have been drinking Wilkins ever since until now. For the past four years, my kids stayed very healthy and free from any stomach illness. I am grateful that from the start, I have made the right choice already of providing them the best drinking water. So, even when we go out to malls or travel long trips, I take Wilkins with us or buy the small bottled ones because you just can never be sure of other brands. Indeed, how assuring I am in providing a safe and healthy household is exactly how Wilkins is for my family.
Wilkins Distilled Drinking Water

How about you, Moms? Tell us about your experiences of how you give to your family the best love and care. Join the Wilkins’ Moms Know Best Story Contest!

Contest Mechanics:
  • Only moms aged 18 and above can submit their stories.
  • In 400 words or less, write about how you give your family the best love and care. You may include the challenges you faced, the lengths you’ve gone to, or the sacrifices and difficult choices you needed to make. You may write in English, Tagalog, or Tag-lish.
  • Writers of the 5 selected stories for publication in magazine will each receive Php 5,000 cash and Php 5,000 gift certificates for Wilkins products.
  • Grand winner (story will be turned into a short film) will receive Php 10,000 cash and Php 5,000 gift certificates for Wilkins products.
Wilkins Moms Know Best Story Contest
Uncompromising moms, like us, have a lot of great stories and tips to share. So, Join Now!

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. Some talking points suggested by sponsors, but story and opinions written are mine.

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