
February 13, 2013

Valentines Day Gift Card Idea for Kids

Here is a Valentine's Day gift and card idea that I made for Celine to give to her classmates and teachers tomorrow. The cute and catchy phrases will bring smiles on everyone's faces...including the boys too :)         Read on and download my "Bee My Valentine" and "Have a Tweet Valentine's Day" template.
Valentines Day Gift Card Idea for Kids

I used different colored papers to print out my big heart and little bird template. I'm really bad in cutting, but these crafting scissors really come in handy. The best thing about it-- unnoticeable crooked lines! :) You can download the template HERE.
I bought these cute bee and egg chocolates at the supermarket. One package only costs about P20.00!
Place double-sided tape at the back of the chocolate and stick them on the card.
...And there you have it! Something so sweet and thoughtful for the kids.
Valentines Day Card Ideas
Valentines Day Card Ideas

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

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