
March 26, 2013

Easter Party and Decoration Ideas

Easter is just a few days away and I hope this post is not too late yet for your egg hunt party planning. Before we begin with some party tips, did you ever wonder why eggs are associated with Easter? Well, according to online resources, Easter eggs symbolize the empty tomb of Christ, such that it appear to be like the stone of a tomb. Birds hatch from it with life and thus, it is a reminder also to us that Jesus rose from the grave. On the other hand, the idea of the Easter Bunny to bring the Easter eggs has been known since the 17th century. Like Santa Clause, they both give gifts to children on the night before their respective holiday. But on why a bunny rabbit? That I still have to find out :)

For the meantime, here are some inspirations to start you off with a delightful and fun-filled Easter celebration at home.
Easter Party and Decoration Ideas
Photo Source: Pinterest
Create a whimsical egg hunting place at your own garden or backyard. Decorate the place with your own crafted flowers, bunnies, birds, butterflies and even pinwheels :) Aside from hiding decorated eggs, stick on the ground some lollipops and scatter lots of candies around the area. 
Easter Egg Hunt Ideas
Easter Egg Hunt Ideas

Go ahead and create that perfect brunch or dinner table and of course, style that sweetest dessert table for the occasion. You can get a lot of creative ideas and inspirations in Pinterest for these.
Easter Table Setting Idea

 Think spring when decorating for Easter :) Time to do some fun crafting stuffs or test your flower arranging skills. Easter is all about pastel colors, flowers and greens, cute bunnies, chicks, and butterflies, and of course, lots and lots of Easter Eggs! :)
Easter Decoration Ideas

There are so many ways to decorate Easter eggs. Paint them, put ribbons on them or embellish your eggs with glitters and gems. Invite your kids to help you accomplish this very important task. You'll be surprised at what creative little hands can beautifully make, especially during Easter :)
Easter Egg Decorating Ideas
Photo Source:
Prepare some easy and simple Easter snack treats like these famous Deviled Eggs, Carrot Cupcakes, and Rice Krispies Treats. 
Easter Party Snacks and Treats

Don't forget to organize fun games and activities for the kids like an egg toss game, walk the egg or egg and spoon relay, bunny hop sack race (dress the kids in cute bunny outfits), pin the tail on the Easter bunny, and guess how many eggs inside the jar. Of course, Easter will not be complete without an Egg Hunt game.

After a tiring day of all games and play, why not gather everyone in a room to watch an Easter movie like HOP.
Easter Games and Activities

End the day by being fun, sweet and generous like the Easter bunny. Give some take home basket of favors and treats for the kids and kids at heart.
Easter Party Favors
Have a Happy Hoppin' Easter Everyone!

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