
July 20, 2013

A Mom’s Signature of Love

As a mom, I see to it that how I show my love to my kids is more than the “I love yous”, hugs and kisses that I often give. It is actually finding quality time to spend with them, teaching them, and surprising them with something when they least expect.

I have a 9 to 5 job before that sometimes requires working on weekends as well. This did not stop me, however, from thinking of ways on how I can thoughtfully and creatively express my love and care for my kids.

I make a point to be there and witness important milestones and celebrate their every accomplishment like taking them out when they do well in school. I stop and put down everything when they want to talk or when they just need me to get or fix something. I give praises, a lot of “high fives” and “good job”, to build their confidence to do things on their own. I personally make their ‘baon’ for school in the morning. I proudly frame and display their works. I find time to cook for them and also bake with them. I make them believe in Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy and yes, they receive gifts and treats during these occasions too. I make bath time, a fun thing to look forward too during weekends by simply making bubbles and letting them take a bath outside with a small inflatable pool and a hose. Before they go to sleep, I do not only kiss them but also tickle and make them laugh. I randomly tell them “I love you”, in unexpected moments like when eating together, riding in the car or while reading a book before they go to sleep.

Now that I’m a work-at-home-mom, I find joy, and contentment in doing mom and kid rituals as well like meal time, study time and playtime, which I wasn't able to do much before when they were babies. These daily activities, nonetheless, still denote special bonding and caring moments that cannot be done better by anyone else, but us moms.

These are my Signatures of Love. My own special ways that goes beyond hugs, kisses and words. It is also our own journey of growing together.

Johnson’s Baby also recognizes these Signatures of Love and knows how important these are in forming that unique bond between mom, baby, or the kids. That is why, with the help of Johnson’s Baby top-safe products, I encourage moms to take a 30-second video as well of their own Signature of Love with their babies or kids, and upload them on the Johnson’s baby Signature of Love Facebook App, for a chance to be featured in the upcoming TVC of Johnson’s Baby to be aired on TV and several LED billboards around Metro Manila.

Johnsons Baby Signature of Love
Johnsons Baby Signature of Love Contest

I know you too have your own special ways or unique rituals, of expressing your love and care to your babies or kids.

Take a look at Johnson’s Baby’s most heart-warming Signature of Love TV commercial 

* This post is an advertorial for Johnsons Baby.