
July 1, 2013

Month of July: Showers and Blessings

Last June was a month of so many blessing for me, and I'm just as happy to welcome as well the month of July with another blessing from God. So, here it is! I got featured in Working Mom Magazine for this month's issue! Yey! :) I'm with other mommy bloggers as well, Dainty Mom, Go Jackie Go, The Peach Kitchen and Manila Fashion Observer, talking about our blog, how it started, tips and inspirations about that particular niche that we blog about. Obviously, in my case, it's all about kids parties. So, please do grab a copy. Amanda Jacob-Griffin is the cover for this month's issue.

This July, I'll be sharing as well Baby Shower ideas and inspirations, which I thought would be just perfect for this rainy month. Hopefully, i'll be able to have time as well to share some tips on fun things that you and your kids can do on rainy days. So, better watch out for them.

Let me also take this opportunity to thank you all for actually reading, recognizing and supporting my blog for the past 7 months. I wouldn't made it this far without you guys. Of course, thank you Lord for all the blessings, and may we all be showered with more to come.